Rebecca Zung's

SLAY® Your Negotiation Against a Narcissist

The 4 Step Proven Roadmap to Winning Negotiations and Reclaiming Your Power

The Exclusive SLAY® Program is THE premier online negotiation training platform developed by a top ranked trial lawyer and expert on narcissism:

  • Full SLAY Your Negotiation with a Narcissist Roadmap

  • Every course, resource or template you’ll need to communicate with, beat the narcissist in negotiations or court and take back your power.

  • Your blueprint for knowing how to stand up to narcissists, entering any room with confidence and assurance, and creating authentic power.

  • Learn exactly how you make your case step by step from where to begin all the way to a win.

You Are Cordially Invited to Join Me to

Step Into Your Strength in the Exclusive SLAY Your Negotiation with a Narcissist ® Program

The Exclusive SLAY® Method Blueprint is THE premier online high conflict Negotiation Training platform developed by a top ranked trial lawyer and expert on narcissism:

  • Full SLAY Your Negotiation with a Narcissist Roadmap

  • Every course, resource or template you’ll need to communicate with, beat the narcissist in negotiations or court and take back your power.

  • Your blueprint for knowing how to stand up to narcissists, entering any room with confidence and assurance, and creating authentic power.

  • Learn exactly how you make your case step by step from where to begin all the way to a win.

You Are Cordially Invited to Join Me to

Step Into Your Strength in the Exclusive SLAY Your Negotiation with a Narcissist ® Program

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Dealing with a Narcissist? 

Worried About What They're Going to Do? 


During your relationship, while they started off with lovebombing (whether it's a personal or professional relationship) in order to condition you.

Then they immediately went into the devalue phase where they began gaslighting, intimidating, and manipulating you in order to gain power over you and destabilize you.  For a while you spent a lot of time between lovebombing and devaluing. HOT then COLD. Back and forth.

Finally, you "discard" phase (either you discarding or them). This is when it becomes at all out WAR. This is when You become Public Enemy #1.  You see no matter how good you've been, how much you say you want things to be fair, or how much you want to walk away as friends, it will never work.

Narcissists see relationships in black and white. You're either for them or against them.

So if you're not for them, you're against them. And they have to take you down before you can take them down.

This is when you see the birth of the SMEAR CAMPAIGN. and they start lining up their flying monkeys (people that they have lined up to be on their side that that they have lied to about you)

Even if they say they want an "amicable" settlement, or they say they want to try something collaborative, or mediation first, it will never work.

It will all be a manipulation and waste of time.

Despite what they say, if you don't have a strategy, you will find yourself very behind. Because they most definitely have a strategy. It's to continue to get as much narcissistic supply from you for as long as possible and then blame it all on you.

Here is just a small list of the kinds of things they do: 

  • Filing false motions

  • Intimidation tactics

  • Ignoring court orders

  • Withholding discovery

  • Manipulating evidence

  • Using the children as pawns

  • Using the court system as a sword

  • Twisting everything you say and do

  • Hiding money or assets, smear campaigns

  • Lying to the judge or in depositions or pleadings


Meanwhile, the attorney's fees are racking up, up, up- while your sanity is going, going gone.   

If you want to FIGHT BACK - SHUT THEM DOWN - and put and end to this TOTAL INSANITY then you need to learn from an attorney who knows how to deal with them. 

SO you can sit around and complain that the system is skewed; that the narcissist gets away with everything; that there are no good lawyers in your area who understand narcissism; that the judge always believes their lies  


you can 
DO something about it.   

THIS is what YOU can DO. 


Take back your POWER!  

Robert Shapiro, Esq.

Renowned Trial Lawyer, Founder of Legal Zoom

"Whether you are a beginning negotiator or a seasoned one, she provides specific tools so that you can avoid critical mistakes, and ensure a winning outcome. Her tools are worth their weight in GOLD.”

Amy Newmark, CEO

Chicken Soup for the Soul

"She will help you negotiate your way out of that relationship and come to a happy conclusion."


SLAY® Your Negotiation Against a Narcissist

Your Step By Step Proven Blueprint

Slay® Your Negotiation with a Narcissist is a battle-tested & proven blueprint.

The SLAY Method is a 4 Step proven plan to take back your power. It's a simple framework to take you from feeling like you can’t win to getting the results and life you want.

I have shared this roadmap with thousands of people around the world in more than 150 countries, who are now living their new beginnings and new futures.

It is most comprehensive high conflict negotiation program online at this price point

And it's the only one developed by an expert litigator who has navigated the toughest negotiations and has studied narcissism.

Not only does it offer you step-by-step through every phase of the negotiation, but it is the only one that offer access to my personalized NEGOTIATION GPT MENTOR. It's like having me as your next best thing to having Rebecca Zung as your personal mentor and attorney.

Plus more than $40,000 worth of other bonuses.

Are you ready to shift the dynamic and go on the offensive instead of constantly feeling like you're on the defensive? Then this is for you!

Winning is possible! Your new life is waiting for you!

The SLAY Method® Blueprint Has Everything You Need to Beat the Narcissist in Litigation or Negotiations in ONE Place:


Step-by-Step Self Guided Modules

Thorough and easy-to-understand modules- think of this as your own private Masterclass tailored just for you in how to navigate high conflict personalities and high stakes negotiations and turn them into personal triumphs! It includes bonuses such as the Triple Threat Package which helps you get the BEST lawyer - with the powerful combination of the Find the Best Lawyer Bonus Module, the Smart Screening: Questions for Vetting Attorneys When Dealing with High Conflict Personalities and the 5 page Make My Lawyer My Ally Packet, you aren’t waiting for a solution to come to you, you are taking control of your future.

Then there is the Leverage Builder Toolkit: Templates, a bonus Documentation Module, and Quick Reference At-A-Glance Guide with the 12 key areas to document. Also included the Truth Tracker Timeline which is a game-changer, so you get a clear, chronological account of events. PLUS so much more! It has everything you need.

And you even can access it all on through through the Slay Academy App on your Apple or Android phone! Learn while you are on the go!

In just 4 hours, you can watch these self guided modules as many times as you want, as you'll have lifetime access to them as well as access to any updates made to the program!

And well beyond the negotiation table, this is your blueprint for knowing how to communicate, entering any room with assurance, confidence, and creating authentic power.

Exclusive Private Facebook Community

Sharing support & helping each other succeed.

Each person in there is ready to cheer everyone else to a win along the way.

Thousands Of Success Stories in More Than 150 Countries

The SLAY Method® is Built Upon the Blueprint of Mastering Negotiations with Confidence.
Thousands have used it around the globe in more than 150 countries to confidently navigate conflicts, securing both personal and professional victories.

24/7 Support & Accountability

Have a question at any time going through the trainings or while taking action on what you are learning? Just leverage the multiple different support systems we have in place to help guide you to the answers you need (email, community, plus access to the Apple or Android app through Slay Academy so access it on the go!)

this is for you if...

... you're fighting for justice...and you jsut want what's fair...in situations such as:

Brent Paiste, Financial Broker

"If you don't know where to start to feel stuck, follow Rebecca or go through her program. Dealing with a narcissist STBX has been a scary road but SLAY has given me the right mindset and tools to be prepared!"

Rachel Gabriel, Real Estate Broker

"Feel totally confident throughout the entire process; Rebecca is the ultimate answer to any narc!"

The SLAY Method® is Built Upon the Blueprint of Mastering Negotiations with Confidence

Module 1: Intro to SLAY Method- Let's Get Started

​Module 1.1 Narcissists in Disguise - Beware of the Camel in the Tent!​

Module 1.2 How to Rock This Program and Your Negotiation

Module 2:“S” Creating Super Strong Strategy

​Module 2.1 What Is A Super Strong Strategy?​

Module 2.2 Who Are Narcissists And What Are Their Traits​​

Module 2.3 What Drives and Motivates Narcissists?​​

Module 2.4 Phases of Narcissistic Relationships​

Module 2.5 What are Master Manipulation Tricks Narcissists Use in Negotiation?​​

Module 2.6 How Narcissists Behave When the Relationship Breaks Down​

Module 2.7 3 Steps to Developing a Super Strong Strategy​​​

Module 2.8 Let’s Create Your Action Plan​​

Module 2.9 How to Create Fierce Documentation Like a Boss​

Module 2.10 Know Thyself Then Know Your Enemy Even Better​​

Module 2.11 Determine Your Best and Worst Case Scenarios Then Do Your Risk Assessment​

Module 3: “L” Creating Invincible “Magic Bullet” Leverage

​Module 3.1 Let’s Create Your “Magic Bullet” Leverage​

Module 3.2 Another Crushing Blow - How to Apply the Statutes/Laws to Your Case​

Module 3.3 How to Create Your First Offer​Module 3.4 Where and When Should the Negotiations Take Place?​​

Module 3.5 The Secrets to Controlling Communications with Narcissists​​​

Module 3.6 Crushing the Actual day of Negotiation​

Module 3.7 How to Powerfully Present Your First Offer​​

Module 3.8 Snuffing Out the Bluffing? How to Tell If They Are Bluffing​​

Module 3.9 Deleting Weakass Language​

Module 3.10 When and Where to Spring Your Leverage on the Other Side?

Module 4: “A” Anticipating What They are Going to To and Being Two Steps Ahead of Them

Module 4.1 Anticipating Arguments and Being Ready to Smack Them Down​

Module 4.2 Body Language: Power Plays for You and Reading What They Are Actually Saying​

Module 4.3 Move the Opposing Party Off Their Position and Closer to Yours​

Module 4.4 When Negotiation Turns Red Hot in Intensity, How Do You Calm It Down?​

Module 4.5 Beware of the Mud!​

Module 4.6 Documenting the Deal(s)​

Module 4.7 No Resolution? Is It a Total Bust? What’s Next?

Module 5: “Y” Focus on You, Your Mindset and Your Position

​Module 5.0 Focusing on YOU, Your Mindset, and Your Position - How to Go on the Offensive instead of the Defensive? (Overview)​​

Module 5.1 The Relationship Between the Empath and the Narcissist​

Module 5.2 Focusing on Your Position - How to smack down their arguments before they can make them?

​Module 5.3 Focusing on YOU - How to make sure you lock down your win so you can be free?​​

Module 5.4 Mental Pivoting - How to stay in BEAST MODE!​

Module 5.5 Self-Care - How to let go?

Module 6 | Wrap Up: What If?

​Inspirational Wrap Up - What If? You win it all! What does life look like beyond!

On Top Of Working Through Your Blueprint...

Claim Your 7 Bonus Gifts

$33,758 Retail Cost   -  Yours as a BONUS but only when you Take advantage of this OFFER now!)

$22,500 Retail Cost  

FREE (when you buy now!)

BONUS #1: Get the BEST Lawyer Triple Threat Package

Take Control of Your Future: You need a legal expert who understands HCPs. Because negotiations with HCPs are likely to last 3x longer and cost 4x more, your cost of inaction in choosing the wrong lawyer can cost you emotionally, financially, and energetically. With the powerful TRIPLE THREAT combination of the 1. Find the Best Lawyer Bonus Module, 2. the Smart Screening: Questions for Vetting Attorneys When Dealing with High Conflict Personalities and 3. the 5 page Make My Lawyer My Ally Packet, you aren’t waiting for a solution to come to you.This is you reclaiming your future.. (VALUE: $5991)

BONUS #3: Access to 50 Key Phrases for Disarming HCPs

Gain instant access to 50 KEY PHRASES for Disarming High Conflict Personalities. If you’ve ever tried to disarm a narcissist on your own, you know how hard it is! This is the HOLY GRAIL! There is nothing else out there like this. We have had people keep reprinting this and carrying this around with them to use. This is worth the entire program alone.

(VALUE: $1888)

BONUS #5: Hidden Hunter Asset: Strategies for Finding Hidden Money

Get instant access to these easy steps to protect your online information from HCPs. Shut down the tracking and hacking! Keep your digital life secure and maintain your privacy with these must have tactics. Stay safe online and keep your info protected.

(VALUE: $4888)

BONUS #2: Rebecca Zung’s Negotiation GPT
Your Personalized Negotiation Mentor PLUS Bonus 30 Highly Tailored Prompts Ready to Go to Help You Practice High Conflict Negotiation 

Experience the next best thing to having Rebecca Zung as your personal mentor and attorney. This AI-driven tool is crafted to simulate challenging negotiation scenarios, providing you with personalized script prompts, strategic insights, and psychological tactics used by high-conflict personalities. Practice and perfect your negotiation skills with real-life text and email templates, as well as deposition and cross-examination simulations. Enhance your learning with an exclusive bonus of 30 tailored prompts, empowering you to master any negotiation with confidence and precision.

!(VALUE: $9997)

BONUS #4: Leverage Builder Toolkit: Your Complete Magic Bullet Success Made Simple

Instant access to this amazing bonus - the ultimate resource for turning the tables against narcs. It has user-friendly Templates, a bonus Documentation Module, and Quick Reference At-A-Glance Guide with the 12 key areas to document. Also included the Truth Tracker Timeline which is a game-changer, so you get a clear, chronological account of events. It even includes more than 40 samples of real leverage! (VALUE: $9997)

BONUS #6: Cybershield Safety Manual

Get instant access to these easy steps to protect your online information from HCPs. Shut down the tracking and hacking! Keep your digital life secure and maintain your privacy with these must have tactics. Stay safe online and keep your info protected.

(VALUE: $997)

Slay Your Negotiation® With a Narcissist Has Everything You Need to Beat the Narcissist in Court or in Your Negotiation:

All together, these bonuses have a real-world value of $33,758 PLUS the Course value of $6997 for a total value of $40,755

Meaning that's exactly how much others have paid for access to these 7 offers. But they are yours AT NO ADDITIONAL COST when you take advantage of this special offer RIGHT NOW.

You're going to love SLAYing YOUR LIFE! That's why it's important you TAKE THIS STEP...

Everything You Need in ONE Place:

  • ​​Instant Access to the Proven SLAY Your Negotiation Method® Blueprint ($6,997 value)

  • Triple Threat package: Find the Best Lawyer Bonus Module ($2,997 value)

  • Triple Threat package: Smart Screening: Questions for Vetting Attorneys ($1,997 value)

  • Triple Threat package: 5 Page Make My Lawyer My Ally Packet ($1,997 value)

  • Rebecca Zung’s GPT:  Your Personalized Negotiation Mentor ($9,997 value)

  • ​50 Key Phrases to Disarm High Conflict Personalities ($1,888 value)

  • ​Leverage Builder Toolkit: Your Complete Magic Bullet Success Made Simple ($997 value)

  • ​Hidden Asset Hunter:  Strategies for Finding Hidden Money ($4888 value)

  • ​I-See-Everything-Timeline, Samples and Template ($2500 value)

  • ​Cybershield Safety Manual: How to Safeguard Your Digital World from Tracking and Hacking ($997 value)

  • ​​Exclusive Private Facebook Community ($Priceless)

  • 24/7 Access through the Slay Academy App on your Apple or Android phone ($Priceless)


1-payment of $997 OR

choose the payment plan

Necole McDonnell, Life Coach

“After getting your information and taking your SLAY program Rebecca, I completely turned a corner. Before I found it, I made a lot of mistakes. Once I found it, everything changed for me! Now, I feel amazing and I haven't felt this way in many years."

Sharon Scott, Entrepreneur

Our lawyers told us we saved over $200,000 in attorneys’ fees because of the SLAY program! So it saved us a LOT of money."


 See What Judge Lynn Toler Said About Rebecca

Judge on Television's "Divorce Court"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Rebecca Zung has a tremendous method and ability that all of us need which is how to negotiate with a narcissist no matter what form or forum in which you meet them. Check her out because she does have processes and procedures for it and you know how I love processes and procedures! She has excellent ideas, understanding and motivation. Check out her resources if you’re dealing with a narcissist."

  See What Bob Proctor Said About Rebecca

“Rebecca Zung is one of the most tuned in people that I’ve met. I operate all over the world so I know what’s out there in the marketplace. What she’s offering is so valuable that you must work with her. Regardless of how despondent you are or your situation is. She is damn good at what she does and has great credentials."

 See What Past Students Say About How the SLAY Method Has Transformed Their Lives

Our community has over 10,000+ students, in 167+ countries, and in every state in the U.S.

Will Joseph, Realtor

"Rebecca turned the situation around entirely, so that I now have an exact framework to operate within. I know exactly how to respond to emails, and the narcissist is now having to work with me in a rational, normal person way."

Chikodi Chima, Communications Executive

“The SLAY framework definitely works and literally saved my life! Really grateful to you. Your content is inspiring and informational. I know I'm not alone, how to take my power back. It's been the greatest gift of my life. Thank you so much!"

Rachel Gabriel, Real Estate Broker

"I just always felt like a sitting duck. Like the narcissist in my life was running the show and I just was constantly on the defensive. After working with Rebecca, I now finally feel at peace and can sleep at night knowing exactly how to deal with anything the narcissist throws our way."

Audrey Waldron, Model

"This course is no joke. It completely transformed the way I negotiated. I would have continued to be bullied. It gave me the tactics, the verbiage and the confidence I needed to walk in and slay in my mediation. You can't put money on that kind of empowerment. Thank you so much for putting this course out there. This is a game changer."

Heather Hartinger, Corporate Executive

“SLAY has literally changed the situation for me and has given me a sense of confidence and well-being. I promise you will be the game changer you are looking for!"

Paul Landi, Restaurant Owner

"I will never forget the nightmare I had to live through , but your program made me stronger and gave me all the angles to defend myself and ultimately prevail. I feel stronger and like there's nothing I can't handle now in my life. It works. I'm living proof."

Krystyna Ozanich, TV Host

"SLAY was incredibly helpful. It showed me how to have productive conversations with the narcissist, how to achieve the goal, which normally you can't do, by laying out an exact plan so you can be drama free. It's just amazing. I loved it!"

Susan Brazer, Entrepreneur

"I have had to negotiate with some of the some of the most powerful people. People who thought they were doing me a favor just by talking to me. Using the SLAY method, I have secured millions of dollars in venture capital for my new business and now I get to share it with the world."

Your Gateway to Mastering Negotiations and Transforming Your Life

It's Time to SLAY Step by Step

Finally stop being a victim to their narcissistic rage, gaslighting, and trauma, by turning the tables and being the one to control the process
S.L.A.Y. is actually the framework, the methodology the GPS:
   S stands for having a Super Strong Strategy,
   L stands for having invincible Leverage,
   A means that you will be Anticipating what the narcissist is doing and being 2 steps ahead of them at all times
   Y stands for focusing on You and your case. 


It's possible when you make the decision, that things can be different. Decide you can win. Choose a proven path to winning

Yes! I am READY to Join!

  Frequently Asked Questions

How long until I see results from this program?

That all depends on your current situation, your ability to execute and take focused action, and many other variables. This is a four hour program but you can watch it in parts and execute at any stage and use whatever parts you want at any stage you want. You can also rewatch at any time and have lifetime access to the program. 

Does this work for anyone?

Yes we have worked with thousands of people in countries all over the world. This does not address specific laws but rather addresses negotiation stratagy and tactics which work for all humans all the planet who are narcissistic or toxic.  

What if I am already done with a legal case with a narcissist but still fighting?

If you are still negotiating then this will definitely help you at any stage. 

How is this different than Rebecca's books?

This is much more in depth than Rebecca's books and in fact, Rebecca's books do not specifically give direction on how to create strategy and leverage on negotiate with narcissist directly.

I can't afford this program. Is there anything you can do for me?

Yes. We can offer you a payment plan so that you can pay this off over time. And if you can't afford a payment plan, I think you would agree that you need this program more than anyone. In fact, some of my most successful students have had their back against the wall financially when they started (as did I). So I want you to eliminate the thought "I can't afford this" and instead replace it with "How can I afford this?" It is less than one hour of an attorney's time and used properly, it can pay for itself almost immediately. Remember that in cases where narcissists are involved, the fees are often nearly four times higher! We do offer PayPal and take all major credit cards. Think of this as an investment into your new beginning and new future. No more victim mentality. Time to SLAY! 

How much time do I need to do SLAY?

The video modules are about 4 hours in total but you can watch them when you need to and at your convenience. They are in bite sized formats and you can come back and rewatch at any time. You will also need to set aside time to do the work required in the modules.

Who is this for?

Anyone who is negotiating with a narcissist!   This is for you if you are negotiating with a narcissistic soon to be ex-husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, father or mother of your child, business partner, boss, colleague, employee, employer, client, family member, trustee, or whomever or whatever your situation is... if you are litigating, negotiating, or wanting to be victorious in court then this is the program for you.  

How is this program different from others?

This program is different in multiple ways. This program is so completely and totally effective because I understand the fundamentals of the personality type you are dealing with. There is no other plan, no other program, no other system designed by a top attorney that gives you the framework for exactly how to deal with a narcissist in a negotiation setting and actually get what you want. This is a rock solid methodology. The exact GPS to take you from feeling helpless and abused to feel confident and powerful. If you’re ready to start living the life you want to live - get Slay Your Negotiation With Narcissist today.

I Still Have Questions

Have a question about anything you read here? Call our friendly support team now, or anytime at (213) 986-7758. Or email support@rebeccazung.com.

More About Rebecca Zung, Esq.

Rebecca Zung is a Narcissism Negotiation Expert, founder of the SLAY® negotiation method, popular YouTuber (tens of millions of views) and one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the nation, having been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Lawyer in America”, as “Legal Elite” by Trend Magazine, and recognized by her peers and the judiciary as AV preeminent rated the highest possible rating for an attorney by Martindale Hubbell.

She is the author of international bestselling book SLAY the Bully: How to Negotiate with a Narcissist and Win (foreword by Chris Voss) -and TWO bestselling books, Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win (foreword by Robert Shapiro) and Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide for Achieving Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Freedom, and is a sought after major media contributor.

Her perspectives are in high demand by television and print outlets, as she has been featured in or on Extra, Forbes, Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Dr. Drew, Mel Robbins' podcast, Ed Mylett’s Podcast among others. Now, she is continuing to serve through her very popular YouTube channel, media appearances, podcast, articles and programs such as her High Conflict Negotiation Certification Program, SLAY Your Negotiation® with a Narcissist, SLAY the Narcissist in Family Court, and Breaking Free® Divorce Masterclasses.

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Copyright Rebecca Zung LLC 2024 | All Rights Reserved

Please note this disclaimer, and terms and conditions: when you purchase these courses and materials, you agree to the following. While Rebecca Zung is a licensed attorney in the State of Florida in the United States, the information provided here shall not be construed as legal or psychological advice. For advice specific to your situation, please consult a licensed attorney or psychologist in your specific jurisdiction.

Refund Policy: When you buy our product you can expect extraordinary customer service to make sure you gain access if you need extra help. You can count on the quality of our content and we do everything we can to ensure that you gain immediate access and will address any problems within 2 business days. This course was created thoughtfully, putting together many years of skill and experience, many hours of time and effort, and you gain instant benefit as the entire course is available immediately upon purchase. Thus, in fairness to all, we do not issue any refunds.